Roofing & Skylight Hailstorm Damage

Hail storms are thunderstorms that allow two forms of participation to fall from the sky:rain and hail. Thunderstorms are not normally fun to sit through, and when you add hail to it, they are just scary! However, we are lucky that we do understand hail storms, and can prepare for them before they come.

So what is hail?

Hail is the product of what happens when there is an updraft of wind in clouds that have precipitation contained in them. As this precipitation travels quickly upwards with the wind, it freezes and grows. After it gets heavy enough, gravity takes effect and the hailstone (basically, a ball of ice)falls. As this hailstone falls, it borrows precipitation from the cloud on its way back down, and the hailstone grows to be even larger.

Sometimes the hail stone is not quite heavy to fall yet, and the wind will take it back up and down several times (a process called convection), until it is finally too big to be taken back up again. The hailstone will then fall to earth. Hail stones can stay pea sized, or they can grow to be as big as soccer balls! However,they most commonly do not get bigger than a golf ball, except in extreme cases.

Hail damage is an ordinary issue after hailstorms. Roofs normally take the brunt of the hits. After a hailstorm, your roof will most likely be damaged, and in some cases will need to be replaced. Hail damage to roofs is difficult to detect by untrained eyes, but can cause leaks in your roofs and into walls if left un-repaired.

Hailstorm Skylight Damage

It is also not uncommon for your skylight to be damaged. Even if your glass is not broken, check the seal around it to ensure no leaking will occur the next time rain rolls around. If windy enough, then it is more than possible that your windows and siding will be damaged. Unfortunately hailstones do not always fall straight down. Damage to your automobile is also often caused by hailstones.

Unfortunately, hail can leaves cracks in your window, and dents on your car. Trees, plants, and property can also suffer from hail damage. It is not unusual to find a large tree branch on the ground. Sometimes the weight of the hail is just too much for the tree, and it will crack and fall. If very much hail falls, when the ice melts, it can cause flood damage to your property, resulting in quite a mess than you may need to call professional assistance for.

Hail Storm Safety

During hailstorms, it is always better to be safe than sorry. If at all possible, do NOT go outside during a hailstorm! These hailstones can fall at 120 mph and can be the size of a soccer ball! Being hit in the arm with a football flying about 30 mph was unpleasant enough. I am not sticking around to see what it is like to get hit in the head with a baseball sized ball of ice falling over 100mph! Always pay attention to the National Weather Service and prepare in case of a power outage, high winds, heavy rain, floodwaters, and even a tornado.
