Roof Valley Repair

Down in the valley, the valley so low, hang your head over, hear the wind blow…

There’s a song in there somewhere, cowboy. The last thing you want to have is problems down in the valley…the valley on your roof of course since we are talking about roof repair.

Usually there are two areas on the roof that are more problematic for leaking than any other place on your roof. One is the valley on your roof, and the other is around your fireplace. We’ll deal with the fireplace at another time or you can visit this roofing guide for more information.

Leaking Roof Valleys

The reason roof valleys have a tendency to leak is usually from wear, age, or poor installation. Over a period of time valley metal, or valley flashing, may tend to oxidize or rust as does most metal. The shingles if properly installed protects the valley metal from exposure to the elements. There are other underlayment products that protect the valley as well which are not metal, such as Ice and Water Shield.

The valley on the roof is much like a river bed through the mountains. The water from the rain or snow comes down from the higher elevations of the roof into the valley and flows naturally down the slopes of the roof until it reaches its destination. Which are generally the gutters or straight off the roof onto the ground below.

Bad Roof Nailing

Roofing nails placed improperly in the valley can cause a valley to leak.

Dried cracked underlayment may have out lived their life span. Dried limbs and leaves and other debris lying in a valley can cause water much like a dam to back up keeping water from being able to drain down the valley properly seeping into the weak areas of the valley. There are numerous reasons that valleys leak.

When it comes to valley repair you might want to consider calling a qualified roofing company to take care of it for you. Because of the importance and complexity of valley repair getting it done right can save you from a tremendous headache.

A qualified handyman with experience should be able to take care of the valley repair as well. But be sure it’s someone you have knowledge of and can trust. The cost for the repairs will vary so get several estimates.

Repair Leaking Valley

The proper way of repairing a leaking valley without creating more leaks is to remove the surrounding shingles and replacing the valley metal or ice and water shield. Then match and replace the surrounding shingles you previously removed with new ones. An experienced professional roofer is your best bet of getting the leak taken care of with the best products on the market. There is always a temporary fix like finding the leak and using a sealant to stop the leak… but it is only temporary.

There are plenty of roofing companies out there who are experienced at roof repair and wanting to compete for your business.

So, get your head out of the valley and look up. It’s a beautiful day.