Colorado Roofing and Basement Waterproofing Roofers and Contractors Fri, 04 Dec 2020 21:05:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How Do I Find a Roofing Contractor? Fri, 04 Dec 2020 21:05:11 +0000 Continue reading "How Do I Find a Roofing Contractor?"

Finding a roofing contractor is no problem. Finding the right roofing contractor may be another story.

Replacing a roof is one of the most expensive projects a homeowner may have to. But if you happen to be in the path of a severe hail storm you may not have a choice. Hail storms cause millions of dollars in damage to homes across America every year. Often wind and hail causes enough damage to a roof that the homeowner is forced to replace their roof immediately due to water entering the structure. When this happens having to replace the roof becomes unavoidable and the search for a roofing contractor is necessary. But how do you go about finding a contractor that you feel comfortable with and one that you can trust?

Local Roofers

First, find a local roofing contractor. You want to make sure the contractor you use local. Most any roofing contractor is able to replace your roof today. But you want to make sure that the company you go with is going to be there next week, next month, and a year from now just in case you have problems with your roof down the road. Using an out-of-town contractor often leads to the contractor disappearing all together when you need him or at best makes it hard to get him back to do the repairs.

Roofing Referrals

Secondly, get referrals. Find a contractor that has a proven track record. Use a contractor a friend or relative can vouch for. Local roofing supply houses can often refer trustworthy contractors that they may use themselves. Choose a contractor who has longevity in the community and list of references? Use one who knows the local roofing and building codes. Use careful research in looking for a contractor and don’t feel pressured by roofing salesmen who want you to sign a contract on the spot.

Signed Contract

Third, make sure you get a contract signed by the contractor clearly stating what your expectations of the roofing project will be and what the contractor expects from you. Clean-up and haul-off of old material, along with any extras you may agree on should be clearly stated in the contract. Be sure it is in writing with a total dollar figure for the entire project. Also, make sure you get a warranty for the roofing product that is used and the labor.

Fourth, ask your potential contractors the questions that are important to you. Here are some things you might want to ask them about. Do you have comprehensive liability insurance? If you are in a state that requires roofing contractors to be licensed then that will be important to you. What are my roofing product choices? How long have you been in business? What are your payment terms? These are just a few questions you may want to ask.

Lastly, do a walk-around inspection with your contractor. It’s easier to take care of anything that is overlooked at this time than to have to set an appointment for a later time.






Roofing: Good, Bad, and Ugly Roofing Sat, 04 Jan 2020 00:42:07 +0000 Continue reading "Roofing: Good, Bad, and Ugly Roofing"

Roofing: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Go ahead and make my day, show me the good, the bad, and the ugly side of roofing. Why does everything sound like a Clint Eastwood movie? Let’s throw down the gauntlet and talk a little bit about some tips on roofing. After all, you don’t want to be the rookie when someone asks you about your opinion on a roofing matter.

Good Roofing

“The good” side of roofing is having a qualified roofing contractor with a proven track record with happy customers in your local area like roofing midland tx. A good roofing contractor will not high pressure you into a quick sale. He or she will listen to your roofing needs and show you your options. It doesn’t take J. Edgar to find a good roofing contractor. A little research will lead you to the right contractor. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. It’s not a perfect world out there so you have to be careful or you might end up on heartbreak ridge.

Bad Roofing

“The bad” side of roofing is finding out after your roof has already been installed that for a few dollars more you could have upgraded to a much better shingle. Upgrading from a 25 year 3-tab shingle to a 30 year architectural shingle is relatively inexpensive due to the fact that in most cases you are only paying for the difference in the material. The labor remains the same cost. The difference is in the aesthetics, warranty, and cost. Some homeowners that chose not to upgrade to the much better shingle, later felt that they had thrown away a fistful of dollars.

Ugly Roofing

“The ugly” side of roofing is what happens when a DIY roofer fails to heed the safety rules of roofing. The DIY roofer should always use a sturdy ladder when getting on any roof.  Whatever you do don’t fall…  you will feel the sudden impact. A ladder that is not planted on solid level ground and not safety strapped to the house can take you for a ride Bronco Billy. Make sure you have confidence to walk on a roof. If you are fearful and it is like walking a tightrope for you, you should let a professional handle the job.

Roofing is not like sitting at a desk. Be prepared to get your clothes soiled and your hands filthy. At the end of the day you may feel like dirty harry. And when you get home, don’t dare go in the house until you’ve cleaned up… your wife will turn you every which way but loose. You’ll probably have to get out of those dirty clothes in the garage, and until you’ve had a shower your wife will probably make you feel unloved and unforgiven.

How many Clint Eastwood movies can you find in this article? Here’s the list:

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly; The Gauntlet; The Rookie; J. Edgar; A Perfect World; Heartbreak Ridge; A Few Dollars More; A Fistful of Dollars; Sudden Impact; Bronco Billy; Tightrope; Dirty Harry; Every Which Way But Loose; Unforgiven;

Roof Valley Repair Sat, 22 Dec 2018 21:17:43 +0000 Continue reading "Roof Valley Repair"

Down in the valley, the valley so low, hang your head over, hear the wind blow…

There’s a song in there somewhere, cowboy. The last thing you want to have is problems down in the valley…the valley on your roof of course since we are talking about roof repair.

Usually there are two areas on the roof that are more problematic for leaking than any other place on your roof. One is the valley on your roof, and the other is around your fireplace. We’ll deal with the fireplace at another time or you can visit this roofing guide for more information.

Leaking Roof Valleys

The reason roof valleys have a tendency to leak is usually from wear, age, or poor installation. Over a period of time valley metal, or valley flashing, may tend to oxidize or rust as does most metal. The shingles if properly installed protects the valley metal from exposure to the elements. There are other underlayment products that protect the valley as well which are not metal, such as Ice and Water Shield.

The valley on the roof is much like a river bed through the mountains. The water from the rain or snow comes down from the higher elevations of the roof into the valley and flows naturally down the slopes of the roof until it reaches its destination. Which are generally the gutters or straight off the roof onto the ground below.

Bad Roof Nailing

Roofing nails placed improperly in the valley can cause a valley to leak.

Dried cracked underlayment may have out lived their life span. Dried limbs and leaves and other debris lying in a valley can cause water much like a dam to back up keeping water from being able to drain down the valley properly seeping into the weak areas of the valley. There are numerous reasons that valleys leak.

When it comes to valley repair you might want to consider calling a qualified roofing company to take care of it for you. Because of the importance and complexity of valley repair getting it done right can save you from a tremendous headache.

A qualified handyman with experience should be able to take care of the valley repair as well. But be sure it’s someone you have knowledge of and can trust. The cost for the repairs will vary so get several estimates.

Repair Leaking Valley

The proper way of repairing a leaking valley without creating more leaks is to remove the surrounding shingles and replacing the valley metal or ice and water shield. Then match and replace the surrounding shingles you previously removed with new ones. An experienced professional roofer is your best bet of getting the leak taken care of with the best products on the market. There is always a temporary fix like finding the leak and using a sealant to stop the leak… but it is only temporary.

There are plenty of roofing companies out there who are experienced at roof repair and wanting to compete for your business.

So, get your head out of the valley and look up. It’s a beautiful day.

Roofing & Skylight Hailstorm Damage Mon, 10 Dec 2018 01:41:35 +0000 Continue reading "Roofing & Skylight Hailstorm Damage"

Hail storms are thunderstorms that allow two forms of participation to fall from the sky:rain and hail. Thunderstorms are not normally fun to sit through, and when you add hail to it, they are just scary! However, we are lucky that we do understand hail storms, and can prepare for them before they come.

So what is hail?

Hail is the product of what happens when there is an updraft of wind in clouds that have precipitation contained in them. As this precipitation travels quickly upwards with the wind, it freezes and grows. After it gets heavy enough, gravity takes effect and the hailstone (basically, a ball of ice)falls. As this hailstone falls, it borrows precipitation from the cloud on its way back down, and the hailstone grows to be even larger.

Sometimes the hail stone is not quite heavy to fall yet, and the wind will take it back up and down several times (a process called convection), until it is finally too big to be taken back up again. The hailstone will then fall to earth. Hail stones can stay pea sized, or they can grow to be as big as soccer balls! However,they most commonly do not get bigger than a golf ball, except in extreme cases.

Hail damage is an ordinary issue after hailstorms. Roofs normally take the brunt of the hits. After a hailstorm, your roof will most likely be damaged, and in some cases will need to be replaced. Hail damage to roofs is difficult to detect by untrained eyes, but can cause leaks in your roofs and into walls if left un-repaired.

Hailstorm Skylight Damage

It is also not uncommon for your skylight to be damaged. Even if your glass is not broken, check the seal around it to ensure no leaking will occur the next time rain rolls around. If windy enough, then it is more than possible that your windows and siding will be damaged. Unfortunately hailstones do not always fall straight down. Damage to your automobile is also often caused by hailstones.

Unfortunately, hail can leaves cracks in your window, and dents on your car. Trees, plants, and property can also suffer from hail damage. It is not unusual to find a large tree branch on the ground. Sometimes the weight of the hail is just too much for the tree, and it will crack and fall. If very much hail falls, when the ice melts, it can cause flood damage to your property, resulting in quite a mess than you may need to call professional assistance for.

Hail Storm Safety

During hailstorms, it is always better to be safe than sorry. If at all possible, do NOT go outside during a hailstorm! These hailstones can fall at 120 mph and can be the size of a soccer ball! Being hit in the arm with a football flying about 30 mph was unpleasant enough. I am not sticking around to see what it is like to get hit in the head with a baseball sized ball of ice falling over 100mph! Always pay attention to the National Weather Service and prepare in case of a power outage, high winds, heavy rain, floodwaters, and even a tornado.

